Gratitude Tuesday
I believe in the power of observation. Whether it is inward or outward, there is not another way in the world to learn than to look at what is around you and in you.
Have you ever felt like a failure? As if you could do nothing right even though you were trying harder than you ever could? Did you ever think what am I doing? The common denominator for everything in your life is you. You can change yourself.
I am a chameleon. I got the ability from my mother who is much more stable than me. She knows how to keep me grounded. I am the kind of person who will plan for the worse case scenario because I want to be prepared. My mother told me that I get myself all wound up all the time when there is not even a reason for me to feel that way.
Now when I fall, I let my mouth savor the soft metallic of the scrape wherever, and think I have gotten up, I can move on.
Just an observation about me.
If I was not an observer, I would not be a blogger. I watched what other people were doing and decided to join in. Being a blogger is one of the best things in my life. I see things--observe things like I never did before. Other people like I never did before.
I am richer for it.
I licked observation on a sugar cone today. More observation led me to free ice cream cone day at Ben and Jerry's. I actually hate ice cream cones, but there were no cups so I had to have one to place the fudge brownie ice cream in.
A lot to observe on the periphery of Times Square I might add.
Have you done your taxes? Oh the observation that I have not means I have to get off of this computer and do that!
Boy LeonoreS I can identify with this post. Brilliant!
Thanks fr stopping by my place. Happy GT!
Happy GT, great post, camelon. I can be one at times also.
I must have a wire unplugged, for I always see a way to rationalize everything I do. If it works, great. If not, okay, as well.
Even when I physically fall, I pop right back up, with amazing, albeit pain-wracked speed.
I normally have a few plans drawn up, so I can whip out the one most useful.
Things work best for me on the spur of the moment. Mmmmm...
I have a bad habit of not seeing people. When I am on a mission, one has to physically impede me, to get my attention. Needless to say, I have been hit, pinched and cursed at many times.
As an ice-cream fanatic, I send a grin your way!
(And thanks for visiting me, as well.)
I just spent ten hours on an airplane, and observed, who needs books anyway ;).
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