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Caring Enough to Send the Very Best
I am sending a dear friend this book. I judge all of my friends on if they like Anais Nin. I am certain if you do not like her writing, you are not worth knowing. Unless you did not know about her--so the book is going out to someone who I know is very worthy...

Post ValentineIt was amazing to me how many people were so blasé about Valentine's Day. Everyone was so above it! Thinking that it is not a fair representation of love. It is not I fully agree, but it is a day to be had and if you are with someone they should come through. Not automatic candy and chocolate (although I never balk at chocolate), but something warm and good should be done between the two of you is all...
It is with the addition of my MacBook, that I have discovered there is very little in the divide between sex and computer. A cornucopia of smart and cheap sex. This recent find is lovely, and always my standard. Ahhh, and the perverse pleasures which I do not have to direct you to...
I am working on my own erotic masterpiece, loving that inspiration comes where I am and am not looking for it. I am pleased that although I was interrupted by a must read from a man who has me hankering now to read Balzac, that I am back to reading Split. I adore Kristina Lloyd, really.
Formula, Formula
I watched the pilots for Cashmere Mafia and Lipstick Jungle, and I have to say I was amazed.
Sex and the City is coming out as a movie in May, and I will be there to see it. I am still watching the reruns every night to be honest, and already have a date with one of my girlfriends to see the movie. This I say to demonstrate that I have good girlfriends, so when I say that I am APPALLED that I am watching a show about women who are beyond successful, and the focus is on the things that they need their girlfriends to huddle with them for a perfunctory group hug camera shot?
There is something wrong with American television and film. This desire for formula--if it worked once it will work again! Even if there are failures--and there have been predecessors to Cashmere and Lipstick that have gone down for the count--yet the need to have another Sex and the City has not ended! There is only one Sex and the City, as it should be. I am afraid even that Sex and the City will not be the same as a movie. See my post in May or June after I see it.
It amazes me how we keep at this formulaic television and film when there are so many writers out there, and hopefully more formulas? I do not get it. The idea that we want to see women at the top of their game brought down by the rest of their lives with their friends for buffers...Let me be at the top and see how much time I have to worry about the domino effect...My relationships are important to me with the men and the women in my life, and I would feel bad about anything that went wrong with them. But if I was at the top of my game careerwise? Believe me that would be my buffer more than any human. But that is me--I am another formula I guess not on television or film.
Sex in the Rain
Desdmona's new contest is to write an erotic piece that somehow involves rain. Okay, so I have two months to get the 1000 words written. There might just be hope for me to compete normally this time! If I do not let myself become preoccupied. Which sometimes is hard for me...but the erotic exercise would be good.
Don't you adore double entendres?