Friday, September 21, 2007

Smell The Daisies

Finished Darker Than Love. I love to read people who inspire me and stretch my mind as a writer. Kristina Lloyd is so daring and creative erotically! Fearless! Maybe there is some karma granted from reading her novels for my own writing. I have a degree in Creative Writing, but the true lessons in writing is reading and loving what you read. You in turn learn to love what you write, or write what you love.

One of my friends just submitted an erotic story for an anthology, and was like Leonore, you should try doing that! What a novel idea! Me writing! Submitting!--there is a double entendre there, yes?

I am definitely game for doing this very thing. Writing! Submitting! Stay tuned...Right now, I am reading and letting ideas churn. Taking time to stop and smell the daisies until they are blurred...

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Black Lace

I just bought a copy of Kristina Lloyd's Darker Than Love, and dropped everything I was reading to start and finish it. She was a pleasant discovery of mine in a favorite used bookstore, when I found Asking For Trouble. If you have not already, drop everything and pick up one or the other! She is the kind of author I read once, and become a devotee. I was like this with Emma Holly and M. J. Rose before her...

Monday, September 03, 2007

Skin Story

I met a woman who participated in this. I am not sure how long it has been going on, but I am tempted to become part of it! The woman I met had a bevy of tattoos, but this one stood out to me as a writer. I went on the site, and discovered that one of the requirements is that you have to use a standard font for the tattoo, which underscores again why I was so drawn to the lovely tattoo. I love to play with fonts, but all of the books that we read are in classic fonts. I am not going to tell you what word she had on her, but is it not fascinating to imagine that all of these people are out in the world and that if they were all put together they would tell a story?