At the mid point of NaNo, at 25000 words I can say whew, and what a sigh of relief, almost like a bath in rose petals while it is still warm. I won last year, and am on the fast track this year. I have been reading and writing nonstop erotica so I am infused with it like a good flavored vodka. It was reading a lot of Black Lace novels two by Kristina Lloyd who I raved about in several previous posts that inspired me to go out of my comfort zone with erotic writing. I was talking to a male friend of mine who is pretty unshockable, and when I told him one of the ideas I was toying with he told me it was DAMN NASTY. I was kind of startled by that, but shocking him encouraged me to shock myself more. When you have to finish a 50000 word novel you do not have time to censor. I will let you know who I am December 1...
Thank you so much! And I'm right there with you - it's very easy to shy away from stuff that makes you, or other people, uncomfortable. But for me, looking at it and exploring will always be intensely liberating.
Good luck with NaNo!
I don't know why but DAMN NASTY in capital letters, looks and sounds much sexier than in small ones.
May the last 25000 words flow as easily as the first!
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