Saturday, January 26, 2008

Even After A Century...

The thing I love about this picture of Simone de Beauvoir is even though I think it is deplorable to catch a woman from behind (as was featured by the Le Nouvel Observateur in recognition of what would have been her 100th birthday), I applaud de Beauvoir for being able to strike up controversy even now and am thankful for the, ahem, exposure that will get people to Google her who do not aleady know about how remarkable she is.

Am I alone in believing the worst ism is and always ill be sexism?

Friday, January 25, 2008

Sex--Nothing Revolutionary

Read this, that I read on The Huffington Post by Rachel Kramer Bussel. Sex, thoughtful and without cliche? Who would imagine?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Butterfly of Some Sort

Even though I have not been blogging, and feeling guilty--you can take the girl out of Catholic school but you cannot take the Catholic school out of the girl. It was reading someone else's blog and finding this, which I now display on my sidebar that might not make me think it is a sin not to blog as much as I maybe would like.

Not blogging, made me oblivious to this saga. It is nice to be in a cocoon sometimes, but still interesting to see what is going on in the world.

I have been working on my psychologically terse, but finally becoming erotic piece. My characters are there. This is the part where it gets fun. The best part of reading the novels
I like to read are to read the "dirty" bits. In the case of writing the novel, it is best to write the dirty bits. As well as to create the psychology that makes the dirty bits necessary.

Off I go to my cocoon again, to emerge as a butterfly of some sort...of creativity...of negativity...of something with something more to say...soon...

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

No Split Here...

I was delighted beyond delight to find Kristina Lloyd's Split in the bookstores as promised. It was released in the UK earlier, but I just bought my copy and the first page was fabulous! I feel lucky to have discovered an author that inspires me, as I work on my own novel. One of my friends is working on her own opus, and it is another inspiration.

A good book in my hands and a story on the burner--can the new year have begun any better?