Thursday, February 21, 2008

Caring Enough to Send the Very Best

I am sending a dear friend this book. I judge all of my friends on if they like Anais Nin. I am certain if you do not like her writing, you are not worth knowing. Unless you did not know about her--so the book is going out to someone who I know is very worthy...


Michele said...

Gee, I had never heard of her until you told me.
So , how much time do I have to remain respectable?

I hope my library carries her titles. I'll be checking that option out.

Thanks for the headsup!

Michele said...

I just checked and they DO have little bird and I ordered it.

Anonymous said...

A good rule of thumb to have for judging the worthy, I agree.

Anonymous said...

I bought it on your recommendation, and loved it. Thanks so much! Where can I read your erotica?