Saturday, January 06, 2007

Dirty Little Secret

Want to hear a dirty little secret?

I'm back after the holiday break, and I am thinking to myself, what am I going to do with the piece that I have been working on? Stopped dead cold because I could not think of a book that would have been the book that I wanted to put in the piece.

So I stopped writing, my operation was shut down because I could not find the perfect book!

Isn't that the nature of writers--perfectionist ones like myself who cannot get a word down on the page without judging? And hadn't I decided I was not going to do that post NaNo?
So I shall continue:

"How far along are you in the book," he asked her.

Sugar was on the book from the table and her fingers.

"I have not even started it yet," she turned to him in the middle of the street.

"But you were telling me about it in the cafe..."

She raised her eyebrows, and licked her lips, as he looked at her defiantly.

"I skimmed it."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Leonore S,

Thanks for stopping by my blog, and for the kind words about my work on Des.

I'm glad to see you're going to be writing more -- can't wait to read it!
