Monday, September 03, 2007

Skin Story

I met a woman who participated in this. I am not sure how long it has been going on, but I am tempted to become part of it! The woman I met had a bevy of tattoos, but this one stood out to me as a writer. I went on the site, and discovered that one of the requirements is that you have to use a standard font for the tattoo, which underscores again why I was so drawn to the lovely tattoo. I love to play with fonts, but all of the books that we read are in classic fonts. I am not going to tell you what word she had on her, but is it not fascinating to imagine that all of these people are out in the world and that if they were all put together they would tell a story?

1 comment:

Cosima said...

Shelley Jackson's site is so much fun... from top to site counter: "You are the ONLY person to visit this page. No one else will ever come here."

Thank you so much for the link!