Friday, April 06, 2007


I have been getting updates via Tori Amos e-mail prompts. Via e-mail she will be introducing us to the girls of the American Doll Posse. The first girl is Clyde.

I love this blog, aside from the sensational artwork--de Lempicka and Nesrat--I love what it is saying. I think that the piece about how all art and relationships start as potential. I love that idea. Further in the bit about who we choose to be in a particular moment. I know I have the ability to be a thousand different people in a matter of seconds.

The image above is courtesy of Sony Music. I feel like this right now.


probitionate said...

I'm feelin' an 'All-Tori, All-Saturday' thing comin' on...

CeeCi said...

I went over and took a look at Clyde's site. I agree, I liked her thoughts on art and relationships beginning as potential. I think of potential as energy and with that thought I realized that since even thinking is energy, then every thought is filled with potential. I guess what I'm working to say here is that there is potential in everything, it's up to us to recognize its presence and let it take us as it will!

I hope you're having a great weekend. I stopped by, not only to enjoy reading your latest thoughts, but to also tell you I've given you a Thinking Blogger Award. Go over to the Garden and you'll find it there.

ciao bella~