The Story of O or I?
An acquaintance of mine shocks me by not knowing about The Story of O--I thought everyone knew about that book--there is even a comic book version! He doubly shocked me, and told me about the The Story of the Eye. I was amazed by a book I did not know. I do not mean to come off as a book snob, but I know about a lot of books and I never heard of this one which was amazing because of the perverse and surreal nature--I certainly should have known about it! I am obsessed with finding it as several sources identified it as, "a classic of pornographic literature." And it would just figure that the guy took the book out of the library...so I cannot even borrow it from him!
The image above is from Amazon Books.
1 comment:
The story of O intrigued me for years, especially when adverts would appear (with an R rating) in the newspaper when it screen at the cinema so many years ago. I would have been twelve, and I'd stare at the cinema ad wondering why it was for over eighteens.
I've never heard about the Story of the Eye, now I'm intrigued.
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