I saw a preview of this movie. Got to the Nerve screening so early that I was actually able to sit down and get inspired to work on a story...have to finish that...
Also known as Black Book, the movie is about a Dutch Jewish woman--and it is hard for me to even fathom how there could have been a Holocaust and how people were just forced to go along with the program. I don't hate anyone even some people who have done awful things to me. I can't let it blacken my heart. That was one of the best parts of the movie. The inconsistency of human nature. There was love in the middle of it, yet no one who could really be trusted. Which is why Rachel (Carice van Houten) suffered, but also triumphed through this story that involved painful and innumerable twists and turns.
The above photograph (which comes from Kaaslog), shows the time before it really got ugly for Rachel. I was only at peace watching the movie because I knew she would get out of it alive. The meat of the movie was a flashback. And let's just say how can you not like a movie where the heroine eats chocolate to get out of a near fatal bind!
You have to see this movie. It's an aural sensation too because you hear the similarities between Dutch and English--when was the last time I saw a movie that did not have subtitles?
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