Thursday, April 12, 2007


I have been restless as all hell for the past few days...I stayed up talking all morning Monday right before work and have not been the same since. Don't look at me too closely--oh you cannot see the dark circles under my eyes!

I managed to finish the second half of the story I lost--and found--after the contest was over. I will be posting it tomorrow after I respond to all the lovely comments I got from the Fish Tank...

Story to come, she types with a yawn...


probitionate said...

Hah! 'Restless'. I've been up for the past hour. Yes, that means 2am. Such are the writer's habits!

Obviously I need more friends in European/Asian time zones to chat with in these thin hours of the night.

Oh, well. The Muse must be indulged.

: )

Leonore S. said...

I hear your pain Probitionate! I have come to understand this business of writing has a lot of ugliness...revisions, doubt, fear...but we love it so there you are!

And you are so good at it. I am still thinking about your magic!

Leonore S.

Cosima said...

::taps her feet in anticipation::... can't wait to read your story, Leonore :)!