Thinking Blogger Meme
I have been given a Thinking Blogger award and a ton of accolade from CeeCi who is such an amazing blogger friend and who inspired me from the beginning with her blogs. Please if I have not mentioned her magic here enough click on her name.
I am going to do the meme that comes with this honor, which goes like this:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to five blogs that make you think.
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote (here is an alternative silver version if gold doesn't fit your blog).
I was lucky enough to post gold! Needless to say CeeCi is given one--she gave six on her blog too! But she creates such a sense of community, and makes me think about how lucky I am and she even helped me get this red on my blog with her Geeky Streak blog. I am also giving awards to:
Probitionate who got me from the beginning, and continues to inspire me. He is more prolific than most of us will ever be and witty and just a lovely blogger friend. He responded to my confession post and he has been a kindred ever since. I was really scared to write that post, but he made me feel glad I had.
Shanna Germain, whose talent and ambition inspire me to no end. She writes brilliant erotica, and she sets goals for herself. Her blog is full of goals and things to do plus appearances because she is making the rounds with her work. She is in Best American Erotica 2007, and featured here.
Cosima is just amazing. CeeCi even posted when you read her blog it is like entering another world. She has more culture and insight in her little posting finger! Every time I read her, I learn something new and am inspired as an artist more than ever.
Sexualite is after my own heart. She is fearless, intelligent, and for me as a writer and reader, she is just mind candy.
Remittance Girl wrote a story that literally is still with me, and ironically enough, it was about a character named Leonora which was a lovely thing too!
BTW the name of my blog is Leo Solo, is a play on Spanish. Lei is how you say, "I read" in Spanish, it is an exception because usually an "o" is added to the end of the Spanish verb when you drop the suffix. I could not help but think of that, and Leo could make you think I was male which was lovely too, so I was sold on the title.
Congratulations on your award, Leo Solo, and thank you so much for giving me one as well :). It means very much to me.
I came to your blog via CeeCi's, and it is true what you write, she creates a such a great sense of community.
Your blog inspires me, gives me wonderful starting points and directions for my mind to wander. I always enjoy coming here so much.
I am also going to follow the other link trails you laid out... some of them I already know and admire as well.
Wishing you a Happy Easter weekend!
Thank you for making me your sixth, that was sweet!
What a wonderful list. I just got back from taking a look at all the sites. Wow, one of them lives in the same state I do...and it's not confusion.
Thank you for the explanation of your title. I thought perhaps you were telling us you were born in July/August. A single lion on the hunt. I like your explanation better.
ciao bella~
It is wonderful that we inspire each other--this is a wonderful community we are part of!
Leonore S.
What a pleasure to be in the same community with you--you are the best!
Leonore S.
Hi Leonore, I'm a total slow coach, I know. Thank you, and I got onto it today.
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